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Mission: To create and promote access to supportive relationships that help marginalized males overcome barriers to success.
Combating Mental Health Stigma For Men of Color
The one topic that stuck with me from The Talented 10th was "What's in your name." When I first started with Talented 10th, I hated my name and I thought it was a girl's name. Then the mentors showed us a clip from Roots of Kunta Kenta getting whipped and they were trying to take his name from him, but he was still saying he was Kunta Kenta. They had me look up my name and I found out it meant "Mighty Warrior!" Now I love my name!
One of the biggest things I learned from Talented Tenth, even though we learned a lot of information , was how to cope with anger and conflict resolution. These men have been very influential in my life throughout this whole summer and I know they will in the future. And I thank God for having them in my life.
I have learned better leadership skills, etiquette, and most importantly setting goals like short and long term goals.
The main thing that I learned from the program was teamwork and how to deal with difficult situations and how to face challenges.
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